Thursday, May 13, 2010

Ecotourist and 3S Tourism

Although, with its resource bace ( sea, sand and sun): 3S Tourism is very near and it fits within the category of N B T. However given its affiliation with mass tourism it has hardly any link with Ecotourism which is usually positioned at The oposite end of the tourism spectrum in terms of motivation, and impact. despite this incompatibility, there an erea of ovelapping here too (this group includes scuba diving skin diving, snorkeling, submarine tours and other marine type observations) such activities ( assosaited with 3s vacations) can be enterely consistent with widely accepted definitions of Ecotourism if they focus on marine enviroment and are pursied
to the importance of diving as a rapidly growing component of touriosm and hence ecotourism . however there seems a relations in between ecotourism and 3s tourism .

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